Like Thai food? Love cooking? Perhaps your first attempt was not so, as in the picture or taste like the restaurant. Well, do not give up cooking Thai food. Some Thai dishes like it because a long list of ingredients and instructions difficult. Thai cuisine is all about ingredients and preparation. In Thailand, frozen, or canned food is not very common. Thais love fresh ingredients. Thailand is one of the fortunate countries in theWorld, plenty of vegetables, exotic fruits, has seafood, etc. There is a famous poem in Thailand describe abundant food resources, "Nai Nai Na Mee Mee Nam Pla Khao", which means the river, there are fish in there rice. "In this article, some general tips to start and then step by specific tips for each food category.


Components are the most important part of authentic Thai cuisine. If you live in Thailand or inSoutheast Asia to find fresh Thai ingredients is easy. But if you live elsewhere to find fresh ingredients, it may be difficult or inconvenient, especially for those who do not live in a city. If you do decide to Thai dishes to first invest a little of your time getting to be known to the constituents. Then find the nearest Asian grocery. If you want to call to see if they are components that you wear look. For example, if you are looking for "Winter Melon", not all AsianGrocery stores carry it. If you prefer, you can buy securely online driving time. If you can not find fresh ingredients, try frozen and canned goods. In my opinion, most frozen products, the next best thing to fresh food. For example, stir-fried shredded pork with ginger, has two main ingredients: shredded ginger and pork. Grated ginger? Sounds like a lot of work to use fresh ginger. You could try a glass or can, but the flavor and aroma of ginger are not the same as the fresh version. It isnot difficult to make shredded ginger, if you have the proper peeler. Try your best to find fresh produce, since it might be a good start to cooking authentic Thai dishes.


Thais use a wok and pot in most courts, with the exception of the desserts. For desserts, it is not necessary, but it is recommended that a bronze-Wok (Ka Ta Thong Luenge use) to. Other common equipment with a mortar and pestle. In Thailand, gas stoves are used most frequently. Electric Rangesare rare and not very popular, because heat can not be distributed evenly. In relation to the mortar and pestle, depends on a wish. If you choose to cook Thai food very often, a mortar and pestle can be helpful in the kitchen. Otherwise, you may, using typical kitchen tools like knives and cutting board to achieve the same goal. Food processors or mixers are another option when it comes to paste.


Preparation is also one of the keys toauthentic Thai cuisine. As mentioned earlier, has focused largely on Thai cuisine, ingredients and preparation. Preparation is especially important, authentic Thai cuisine. You can spend more time preparing the ingredients than you spend actually cooking. So it may take about 30 minutes to prepare all the ingredients for Tom Kha Gai, but spend only about 15 minutes to cook. A typical Thai meal consists of 4-5 local courts. It may takeUp to 2 hours to prepare all the ingredients to make but only 1 hour. A few reasons to follow through Thais more time to prepare. Thais like their meat into bite-sized pieces. Fresh vegetables take time to wash themselves, and perhaps cut pad dry. Pounding spices and fresh herbs is also common for many dishes. Some desserts such as Ta Go (sweet on the lowest level savory coconut pandanus in a basket) require a lot of time in preparation for cutting off clean and leaves and thenBasketry. Depending on the amount of Ta go do, it can be up to hour, just to make small baskets. Do not be, because after the preparation is not being discouraged, the delightful dishes are just around the corner!

Cook according to your taste

The art of Thai cuisine, emphasis on the harmonious blending of various ingredients marketed, especially as the individual active ingredients vary by freshness and so on. Without harmony of taste andBowl too short. The five elements of taste in Thai food are: sweet, salty, sour, pungent and bitter. When cooking Thai dishes, you can follow a recipe, but use it as a guideline when it comes to taste. Taste varies for each individual, sometimes in response to variables such as ingredient quality or event, and thus the taste of the recipe author may or not also reflect your own taste. Following a recipe is a good idea, but when it comes to follow your own tastePreference. Know your ingredients and begin to spicy products in small quantities. For example, when it comes to curry pastes and fish sauce, some brands are saltier than others. Most Thai dishes can be fixed to some extent. If it's too sweet fix, adding a little fish sauce, the problem, and vice versa. If things go sour, you will help add a little water, sugar and fish sauce.

Coconut Milk

Thai food and coconut milk is almost always together.Many courts require Hua Ka Ti (first pressed coconut milk or cream in coconut milk) and / or Hang Ka Ti (second or third milk or water down such as coconut) milk. To make fresh coconut milk, finely grated coconut meat is still steeped in hot water, no hot water. It is then squeezed until dry. The white liquid from the first press is called "Hua Ka Ti". Hot water is then added again to the second and third pressed coconut milk to make the so-called "Hang Ka Ti." Finely grated coconut meatare typically used about 3 times and then discarded. Freshly pressed coconut milk has a better taste and aroma than commercial coconut milk in the can.

If you use canned coconut milk, you must have a can on a cold temperatures have, because cold temperatures to separate the creamy coconut part and the water-help as a part. The creamy coconut milk floats to the top of the can. In hot weather is, you want to have a can of coconut milk in the fridge for a few hours orNight.

Fried Rice

Good fried rice is not difficult to make. The most important part is the rice. The rice should be cooked but firm, not mushy and soft. When steamed rice is soft and mushy when it is stir-fried it all together. Good Rice Fried rice should be easy to break and the grains should remain intact. To do so, the rice, make sure that you are a bit less water than normal, so that the rice is drier than normal. Keeping rice in aRefrigerator for 2-3 days is another alternative, but if your rice is mushy and soft after the 2-3 days, the fried rice will clump together yet. Other keys to good fried rice and wok to high heat. Heat must be evenly distributed and consistently hot thel time. A wok is the production of fried rice, but not required is recommended.


There are two types of Thai curry coconut: coconut-based and not. Those who use coconut milk usuallyhave contained similar first steps, the separation of the coconut oil and mix curry paste in coconut milk. These first 2 steps are the key to perfecting curries. For example, if you make green curry, red curry, or matsaman kaeng Kari, is the first step to bring bring Hua Ka Ti (first pressed coconut milk or creamy) to cook until the oil starts to separate. You do not want to cook too long, because you Hua Ka Ti break and it will look like little white balls. AfterAdd curry paste stir in the coconut milk until the green or red oil separates and floats to the top. Frequently stirring curry paste is necessary because you do not want to burn the dough. Curry paste can stick to a spoon, so make sure to remove it from the spoon. During this process, when Hua Ka Ti dry, add 3-4 tablespoons Hua Ka Ti to keep a time curry paste from burning. After the addition of vegetables, they do not do too long.


Moststir-fried dishes for a short time to cook, especially stir-fried vegetables. The most important key to most dishes is stir-fired heat. Heat must be evenly distributed over the wok or frying pan. Most recipes will propose to warm vegetable oil. In this step, you must make sure that the oil is hot and all over the wok to (distribute it to the side) or pan. In some courts, following the addition of meat and / or vegetables, the pan or wok starts getting dry, so you can add a little water, so the food does not getburned. To ensure vegetables, that they are not overcooked.


Thai desserts are not too difficult to make. Some may find it easier than others. Some require more patience and time than others. Many Thai desserts use a require the same ingredients, and substitutes are not recommended. For example, if calls Khanom Ta Go mung bean flour, other flour substitutes generally do not work well. Khanom Bua Loy requires sticky rice flour, and one can not be usedMulti-purpose flour or tapioca flour or other types of flour. In some desserts such as potato in ginger syrup you can use mixed types of potatoes. Khanom Kaeng Buat may include taro, potato and / or pumpkin. In the Thai desserts, read the instructions carefully.

Ingredients and preparation are the keys to cook authentic Thai cuisine. Some of the first courts in particular can require patience. However, if you have learned Thai ingredients knownmore and more, you will notice how easy it is to cook authentic Thai food. How to make Thai desserts, some are very simple and easy to use and you can try it perfectly the first time. Some desserts may take practice and time to develop certain skills. Do not be discouraged recipe directions, or how beautiful a picture of a court could. If you decide to cook authentic Thai food, gather a few friends and enjoy your food. Enjoy!