Spices come from the buds, bark, stems, roots, berries and seeds of plants. Any part with the exception of the leaf is classified as a spice, the leaves with fresh herbs.

Spices are usually grouped into five categories of taste - sweet, pungent, sharp, hot and amalgamating. Today we will dive deeper into the hot spices and secrets to discover.

Hot spices are the type that a burst of flavor. You are required relatively strong and, as such, only a small amount.Must not be misled to think but to that that a small quantity of an ingredient, it is not important meaning. The intensity level is the secret of many a great meal, and often the difference between OK and the discerning diner.


Be an ancient spice, known as early as 3000 BC used. Caraway have been evaluated for their medicinal uses, as well as culinary.

The seeds have a warm, earthy flavor with a hint of anise, orange peel and fennel. Caraway help in balancing the rich,fat foods, and is therefore often in cheese dishes. It is also a common ingredient in garam masala, used in Indian cooking.


This is a very versatile spice and can be used either in sweet or savory dishes. Green peppers are picked by a local South Indian tropical plant. The fruits contain 10 small and 20 brown seeds. These seeds have a warm, flowery taste.

Cardamom is used in Indian curry, Middle Eastern dishes, rice and desserts. Use cardamom oroften crushed cardamom pod is in demand. The sleeve is slightly squashed, which assisted in the release of flavor.

Celery seed

The seed comes from old European celery and cabbage. It has a strong taste, and compliments with tomato and vegetable juices. Celery seed, it is often the way to a "Bloody Mary".

Celery seed is often to do with other spices such as pepper, ginger, cinnamon and pepper spice mixes for fish and seafood, poultry and redMeat.


We probably have all the cloves at one time or another. But did you know they are a natural antiseptic and anesthetic.

Cloves are the dried flower buds of a tropical tree in Maluku (formerly the Indonesian Spice Islands). You are in the color purple, but have little flavor, if first pick. After drying, they are dark brown and eugenol, a pungent oil developed.

Cloves, although native in Indonesia played an important role in the spice trade and are foundin almost every cuisine in the world.


Cumin comes from the Nile Valley and in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs were found. It has also been in England since the 13th Century used. The Spanish took cumin to the North and South America, and it is an integral part of Mexican chili powder.

It has a pungent, earthy, like curry-flavored and full bodied flavor curries produce. For best results use gently roasted whole seeds or good quality dark, oily cumin powder.You try next time in your pumpkin soup.


This is one of those things I can not figure out how to spell. Fenugreek came from a clover looking plant and has been used medically since ancient times.

It has a pronounced bitterness, which adds several bites too hot curries such as vindaloo. Hard to believe, but the seeds produce an extract that is used to make imitation maple syrup.


From South-East Asia, is similar to ginger, galangalbut has a sharper flavor. It comes from the rhizome of the plant and is used in Thai cuisine.

The sharp taste helps to neutralize too lazy tastes.


Ginger comes from the rhizome (root) of the tropical ginger plant. The strength of the flavor of the piece of ginger, how old the rhizome was intended when picked up. Young, tender, almost sweet, like the older rhizomes rhizomes against the more fibrous and have a strong aroma.

FindGinger used in many Indian and Asian cuisine. It can be used in desserts and savory dishes. Ginger is also good for stomach complaints.


The juniper berry is a small blue-black berries with a unique flavor and astringency jaw. It is primarily known as a flavor enhancer gin.

Use of dried juniper berries, the strong flavor of the game and reduce the fatty degeneration of the duck. It is very strong and only a few berries is required - 5 berries per 1 pound of meat. For a spectacularCasserole (red wine, sage, thyme, bay leaves), add a few juniper berries.

Lemon Myrtle

A native of Australia, it is used the leaves (a contradiction to the rule, the leaves are) Herb. They give a unique flavor and a fresh lemony taste that is more like lemon peel.

Fantastic, especially in Asian dishes with chicken, seafood and vegetables.

Nigella seeds

I first discovered that about two years ago. They are strong tasting, spicy,small black seeds.

Nigella seeds work well with Indian cuisine, potatoes and other carbohydrates.


The costs and expensive spice in the world. Saffron is the dried scars of a lilac, autumn crocus flower. Each flower produces only 3 scars. It takes about 75,000 flowers to produce 1 pound of saffron. But because there are powerful coloring and intense flavor, only a small amount is needed.

Saffron produces a brightorange-yellow color and an intense pungent flavor. It is best to buy good quality and threads, not powder, in order to ensure authenticity. Soak the threads in warm water for at least 15 minutes before use.

Star anise

Star anise is harvested a dried, star-shaped fruit of a Chinese magnolia tree. It has a warm, licorice taste with currents of less than cinnamon.

It is used in spice mixtures and found in Chinese cuisine.


Another homeAustralia. It is seed collected from certain species of acacia. Ground acacia seeds have a woody, nutty flavor with coffee overtones.

It can spice to ice cakes and pastries or as a rub to be used on white meat.

Well, there you have it, need a short introduction to the world of hot spices, not to discourage their strongness.

Until our next meeting Spicy
Enjoy cooking!

Lisa "The Crock Cook"