The Spring and Summer months are a good time to pull the old grill out of the garage, dust it off and plan a couple of tasty grilled dishes.Most of us know how to make basic foods like grilled burgers, hot dogs, steaks and sausages . These are generally the cook in the simplest form of cooked barbecues, direct heat. Ie Direct heat grilling, the food directly over your heat source (coals or gas burner) and chefs from the direct heat. Direct heat isideal for smaller food you want to quickly sear the outside, producing these beautiful browned caramelization on the surface while sealing in the freshness of juicy inside. It is the ideal cooking style for steak that is nice and brown on the outside yet pink and juicy on the inside.However, crickets, which is not know many novices, that direct heat is not the only way to cook on the grill! Another important type of cooking is indirect heat grilling.Indirect heat is based on a heat source, not directly next to or under the grill food, but rather at some distance from each other. With the lid on the grill, the milder form of heat cooks the food by convection of ambient heat in the hot air and smoke in your grill, rather than by direct radiant heat from the coals. This is similar to food cooks in the oven with the roast, but without the wood smoke! So why should you learn how to cook with indirect heat?What is it good for? Well, if you try to grill a whole chicken with direct heat over very hot coals, would the surface of the skin and fat are burned in a crisp, black char long before the interior has been completely cooked. Was also from the time the center would be boiled, the meat dried. They would loose the surface aromas and juicy inside a well-roasted chicken. So the solution? You guessed it, indirect heat. Indirect heat to your larger pieces of meat cook slowly, the development of the outerbrown slowly, while the interior is a perfect doneness cooking. A perfect rib rack requires the meat cook slowly until the meat is tender and almost falling off the bone. A chicken should cook completely, while the road does not char. All this and more can be achieved with indirect heat.
So how do you do it? Lets find out!
To get started you'll need a few things to make your perfect indirect cooking (you can without them, but theyare helpful:
A shallow metal pan or bowl half filled with tap water
A meat thermometer
A grill thermometer (if your grill a non-built-in)

Start your charcoal or gas burners as usual.

If you are charcoal, if you are using charcoal is very hot and ready (if the briquets have a layer of gray ash) over them, separate the coals on both sides of the grill. You will have had two piles of coals on either side of your grill with a large, empty space in the middle. Weberand other companies to make indirect grilling charcoal holder only for this purpose are kept mainly in metal baskets, the charcoal on either side of your barbecue. However, you can even without special equipment.

If using a gas grill, you can by one of your burners on a less hot spot on the grill have to use indirect heat. Ideally, if you have three burners, you would turn off the middle, so that the two aisles are at. If you have only two burners, turn on and leavethe others out.

Place the metal with water in the middle of the charcoal grill pan off between the two piles of coal (on the burner if you have a gas grill). This will start dripping from your roast, and will help moisten the inside of your grill so the meat does not dry out.

Share your grill on.

Close the lid of your grill and let the heat build up. Use your barbecue grill thermometer to check the temperature inside your area ofEnsure adequate heat. If it is not warmed up, you can either add more coals and wait until they start to burn or turn on your burner, if you have a gas grill

Open the grill and place your prepared food (whole chicken, ribs, roasts, etc.) in the "indirect heat zone" from your grill. This is the place in which there is no coal or gas burner burns.

Close the lid and let cook your food.

Check back regularly and turn over the meat or turn it occasionally. Also checkthat there is still enough heat in your grill. Baste your meat regularly, when the surface dries out, to keep it moist, about every 15 minutes.

When the surface of the meat looks like when browning too quickly in a specific area, be sure and turn it so that all sides are equal to heat and exposure. If it still seems to be the cooking surface is too fast, the heat is too high or the meat is too much direct heat from a heat source. Try to move the coalfarther away or move the roast to a secluded spot on the grill.

Remember to keep the cover of your grill closed between checking your food. You want all that good heat in the interior to help you cook the meat!

If your roast is looking like it can happen to begin testing for doneness. The most accurate way to do this, insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of meat (on a chicken that is the deepest part of the inner thigh meat or deep) in the chest. DoDo not put your thermometer to the bone, as this artificially increase the temperature reading. Most thermometers have readings for doneness for beef, pork and chicken. If your not the general requirements for chickens go from 165 degrees, pork 160 to 170 degrees, beef and lamb and veal, 145 for medium rare, 160 for medium and 170 for well done. If you do not have meat thermometer, you can flesh deeply pricked with a skewer or fork. When pork and chicken done in a reasonable manner that the liquid runs outshould be clear, not red or pink. If all else fails, cut a small piece of checked into a deep part of the flesh, the color.

If the food has its ideal level of internal doneness reached, remove from the grill and on a large platter or plate.

Cover with foil and let the roast sit for 5 to 10 minutes at least so that distributes the interior juices and heat.

Carve and serve!

A few more tips to shine your indirect heat grill!
Marinate - BecauseGrilling is a dry heat, which may have a tendency to dry out meats that are cooked for a long time to marinate your food before cooking is a good way to both add spicy flavor and juiciness increased. There are many recipes for delicious marinades for poultry, pork and beef, and even many bottled marinades are available in supermarkets. Another option is treated like marinating brine, which really seals and concentrates flavors.Basting - I strongly recommend stapling the meatas it cooks on indirect heat. When the surface dries out, every 15 minutes or so during the cooking time, baste it generously with a brush basting. The stitching is similar to the mixture marinate mixture or, alternatively, it can introduce new flavors. For example, is not good to marinate for barbecue sauce, it will only burn on the meat when it cooks too long. However, later led the cooking, the meat a few times before it is done creating a great baste,Savory coating of flavor. Other great ways to marinate are lemon juice, olive oil, red wine vinegar, either together or alone. Again, there are many recipes with recommendations for books for your slow roasted and grilled meat mixtures. For security reasons, if you think basting with the marinade, remember that your marinade came into contact with raw meat. Therefore avoided by this mixture to cook in the last 15 to 20 minutes, so you do not introduce any raw meat to the surfaceMy roast! Their best to mix a fresh notebooks, if possible.

Well that's it! A quick and complete primer for indirect grilling. I think you'll find that it puts your grill cooking a whole new level by your roasts tender and juicy.