No matter what you learn, even trivial tricks like a cigarette with one hand, you mean something learned. Once you learn to quit, but you start to age. And this happens to far too many older people - they never upgrade or update.

You can teach an old dog new tricks, they learn not only fast, but learn when you drive slowly. And the old dogs to keep them fresh longer and attractive. Whether it's herb garden, a course in Thai> Cooking - it used to ceramics - whatever is it important to have an active interest in a project. Learning to write, is not without the hands of someone with a sound education and the right attitude. Accept that you are doing an amateur - it is the love of doing it - and will proceed accordingly. What is stress no texts - no matter at what level. Enjoy it positively.

Keep your efforts in writing simple. Use words that you feel comfortable. Do not write a school essay or attempt toto emulate the world's best writers. They were talented and experienced, so they stand out from the crowd. Do not start your career in piano concert at Carnegie Hall - that many years of hard work and talent.

Be honest - check, instead of guessing and keep it simple. This way you learn, by avoiding mistakes and pitfalls. Slowly, you find your feet and improve your work. A weekend golfer who swings better than a knight. Hitters, they lose later in life never reachthe results that they once, but swingers keep sweet.

Write as you speak, is a good rule of thumb: Tell me a story. That is all you need to do. Let's give the grammar - that is why we are editors who have to live for something.

Last word: Please move from words like in, while, in the middle - they get to date you now.

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