The kitchen has all the visitors to taste some truly unique Caribbean spices and other ingredients such as mango, coconut, lime, cassava, papaya, yam, guava, and peppers. Surprisingly, the use of lime in the Caribbean cuisine among the locals, is not very different from what is in the United States. Lime is one of the most common ways of marinating fish and a popular dish is ceviche, seafood prepared with citric acidjuices and seasoned with herbs and onions. Caribbean cooking is not merely delicious it is also unique from one island to another. Each island has developed its own style and technique of cooking food and the food in the Caribbean is as varied as the experience from island to the next.

The Bahamas is known for the conch recipes.

Cuba is famous for black beans and rice.

Jamaica is the home of jerk cooking and seasoning.

Barbados means fried fish and cou cou.

Puerto Rico comes closer to home with chicken and rice.

The French Caribbean is known for its cerole dishes and many similar French cooking methods.

Trinidad is the land of curries.

All Caribbean cooking involves herbs and spices of various types for seasoning. One such ingredient is tamarind that is in many ways similar to Worcestershire sauce in taste because it too has tamarind as one of the major ingredients. In fact, the use of spices in Caribbean cooking is truly diverse and amazing. Nutmeg flavors the desserts in the United States but in the Caribbean, this spice is mixed with other spices that are natively grown on the islands and this makes for a totally different flavor in Caribbean cooking. The jerk cooking of Jamaica gets its flavor from allspice while the island of Cayman has a chocolate cake recipe that includes some spicy peppers.

There are many common forms of spices used in Caribbean cooking but the trick is that though you will recognize flavors as a familiar taste the cooking will be subtle enough to feel unique to your taste buds. Caribbean cooking is full of delectable sauces that are made of sweet fruits like mango, papaya, and orange with spicy hot peppers. Dipping sauces in Caribbean cooking are made from mango, chili peppers, and melon.

In Caribbean cooking, coconut milk is the basis of several stews and sauces.

Last, and in any case, it is the favorite ingredient of Caribbean cuisine is used in marinades, desserts, sauces and soups - rum.