Mix, a delicious start to Christmas with our Christmas cheese balls and Christmas Punch recipes. These recipes take only minutes to prepare. Keep stirring the ingredients to stock something special for the unexpected holiday drop-in guests.

Christmas Cheese Ball

1 large pkg. Philadelphia cream cheese

Green tips of 8-10 spring onions

1 pkg. Dried garlic powder

3-4 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

1 cup crackerCrumbs

Put your cream cheese soften out. Chop the green tops of 8-10 green onions and bad luck in the cream cheese. Now, cut the dried beef into small pieces and add the cream cheese mixture. Add a tablespoon of garlic powder and 3-4 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce (just a little more when it mix) too stiff. Mix it all together well, then they form into a large ball. Roll in crushed cracker crumbs to coat the outside of the cheese ball. Refrigerator overnight andserve it with your favorite crackers.

Christmas Punch

3 pkgs. Black Cherry Kool-Aid

1 can of unsweetened pineapple juice

1 cup lemon juice

3 cups sugar

2-liter bottle ginger ale

Combine the Kool-Aid, pineapple juice, lemon juice and sugar in a large pitcher. Stir until all ingredients are mixed and the sugar has completely dissolved. Pour the base into a punch bowl and slowly add the ginger ale.

I mix the concentrate and in the refrigeratorthen add the ginger ale just before serving has as much fizz. Be careful when stirring as it will foam up and overflow your container if you move to fast, or add the ginger ale too fast - like any soda. If you mix it per glass is concentrated 1 / 3 and 2 / 3 ginger ale into a single glass. Warning: Black Cherry Kool-Aid can leave a medium-sized spots, so do not let little children wear it around the house.