Summer is one of the best times to cook with fresh fruit is available startup. Summer is the season that most of the fruits are ripe and in season. Berries are one of the best fruits for cooking, if you have any idea, go with them.

The grapes most commonly used for cooking in the summer months are raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries. There are many different ways that you can use these berries to add a touch of sweetness to any dishWork. The berries can be one of the best ingredients for cooking, if you find the ideal time for harvesting. This kind of ripe berries are usually during the summer and you can find on the market until the end of September.

Berries are very versatile and can be many different options. Blueberries have a little 'taste bitter, but if it is combined with a kind of savory dish can offer most of the candy dish. Blueberries areIn the ideal setting for certain types of moisture and flavor of berries fried. Blueberries are usually used in cakes, because a great taste in every pie shell, when it finally boiled.

Raspberries are an excellent solution for cooking with berries, because the taste that you can add to a dish. Raspberries have an acid to it, but if something cooked a strong sweet taste can give. Raspberries can be added because of their well for many types of fieldsVersatility. Raspberries can be added to any type of cake, to stimulate the taste, or could be added to make a tart berry tart. There are many different recipes available that you can use for raspberries to add their special touch when on the plate.

Strawberries are a bay very often used in all types of food. Strawberries are usually mild and offer a new taste of what you want to add. Strawberries are naturally sweet, and aalmost bitter taste of your dish. Strawberries can also be any type of food, depending on which version you added in your menu.

The berries are usually a good complement to every dish you make, because each of them have their own likes, you can add to the taste, you already have.

What makes Thai BBQ chicken recipes so delicious? And 'all wonderful and unique spices and ingredients that are used to provide a taste to enjoy the taste. These recipes are wonderful and gives us a new vision of how we look at the barbecue sauce. Learn when you start to look for other countries barbecue recipes that many spices and ingredients, tasty sauces, you love everyone.

The first Thai BBQ chicken recipe will give you an overview of allthe various elements that make up their own barbecue sauce to liven up your table.

You need 16 ounces diced chicken seasoning, 2 tablespoons curry powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 clove garlic, 1 tablespoon of your favorite cooking wine, 1 tablespoon tablespoon chopped ginger, 3 tablespoons salsa soy, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 small can of pineapple pieces, 1 green pepper, diced 1 red pepper sliced, diced, ½ cup coconut milk ¼ cup soy sauce, a small amount of Tabasco sauce. MixMix all the ingredients except the chicken, then marinate the chicken overnight in refrigerator. After marinating, place each vegetable, pineapple and chunks of chicken skewered and grilled until done.

You can also create some of the above ingredients in a dipping sauce for your wonderful Thai BBQ chicken. Just do not use sauce, you've marinated the chicken overnight. Use just enough sauce to cover the chicken and the rest are reserved for yourDip All will love this delicious recipe and you like to try the coconut milk to many of your barbecue sauce. Pineapple, coconut milk to your favorite barbecue sauce, a new variant that seeks to have only a few people, but if they like the flavor.

Performance to 52 hands, offer lessons in an atmosphere of welcome and well-equipped in the heart of Clerkenwell, London. With no more than a dozen to a group, these classes are a fun opportunity to learn about catching up with old friends and new people, while the impressive dishes to cook. Each session ends with a delicious meal all processed foods we've accompanied by some exquisite wines.

If you love salmon, but you have no idea how to cook salmon, read on. It is very easy and delicious to eat something really happy family.

Before you take the salmon and cut it in half, so it's a bag. Do not cut all the time. You want to leave about an inch still together.

Place lemon slices in their own little "pocket money". Want to add, add about two cloves of chopped garlic and black. Well, one ofeasiest way to learn to start cooking the salmon cooked in the oven.

Put a little 'all over the piece of salmon, and then close it freely. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and pop in the salmon.

Want it for about 8 to 10 minutes of cooking can be. Then you should see the salmon is done. If you learn how to cook salmon is a suggestion to check and see if the meat is flaky or still 'heavy'.

If there is still some 'cooked, the return of salmon in the ovenabout 3 or 4 minutes more. Then take the salmon from the oven and let rest in foil for several minutes. Then you can serve the salmon with a sauce of some of your favorites, like lemon and butter or marinara.

When you click to learn how to cook salmon in the oven, you can count on more complicated ways, such as the stove or grill. Enjoy!

The kitchen has all the visitors to taste some truly unique Caribbean spices and other ingredients such as mango, coconut, lime, cassava, papaya, yam, guava, and peppers. Surprisingly, the use of lime in the Caribbean cuisine among the locals, is not very different from what is in the United States. Lime is one of the most common ways of marinating fish and a popular dish is ceviche, seafood prepared with citric acidjuices and seasoned with herbs and onions. Caribbean cooking is not merely delicious it is also unique from one island to another. Each island has developed its own style and technique of cooking food and the food in the Caribbean is as varied as the experience from island to the next.

The Bahamas is known for the conch recipes.

Cuba is famous for black beans and rice.

Jamaica is the home of jerk cooking and seasoning.

Barbados means fried fish and cou cou.

Puerto Rico comes closer to home with chicken and rice.

The French Caribbean is known for its cerole dishes and many similar French cooking methods.

Trinidad is the land of curries.

All Caribbean cooking involves herbs and spices of various types for seasoning. One such ingredient is tamarind that is in many ways similar to Worcestershire sauce in taste because it too has tamarind as one of the major ingredients. In fact, the use of spices in Caribbean cooking is truly diverse and amazing. Nutmeg flavors the desserts in the United States but in the Caribbean, this spice is mixed with other spices that are natively grown on the islands and this makes for a totally different flavor in Caribbean cooking. The jerk cooking of Jamaica gets its flavor from allspice while the island of Cayman has a chocolate cake recipe that includes some spicy peppers.

There are many common forms of spices used in Caribbean cooking but the trick is that though you will recognize flavors as a familiar taste the cooking will be subtle enough to feel unique to your taste buds. Caribbean cooking is full of delectable sauces that are made of sweet fruits like mango, papaya, and orange with spicy hot peppers. Dipping sauces in Caribbean cooking are made from mango, chili peppers, and melon.

In Caribbean cooking, coconut milk is the basis of several stews and sauces.

Last, and in any case, it is the favorite ingredient of Caribbean cuisine is used in marinades, desserts, sauces and soups - rum.

The school aims to promote the art and science of Thai cuisine in London. If you're an experienced cook, or simply expand your existing culinary skills, Lamai Cookery School offers a course for you.

The lobster is so expensive, we want to ensure that the Hummer is the best way to cook. I think the easiest and best for cooking lobster is easy to cook and serve with melted butter.

My family has a tradition of Christmas in which we serve lobster tails, crab cakes, home fries, French and the steak. I welcome most of lobster cooked. Although this recipe is wrong, I think the lobster is not necessarily a good recipe. TasteMeat itself is not enough and that's what really enjoy the experience of you and your guests.

Without further adieu, here is my recipe for cooking lobster:

Finding a large pot of boiling water, which are suitable to all your lobsters.Fill pot halfway water.Add with 3 tablespoons of salt, the salt water created can keep the water clean, bring water to a boil. If the water is rolling boil, it's time to add the lobster. If using lobster, I think, fromupside down (in the person of water). After entering the lobster into the water, you lose a boil. Bring water to a boil, then reduce heat lobster for 12 to 18 minutes medium.Cook. One can say that lobsters are cooked, the meat looks at the tail. The tail meat should be firm and opaque. The shell should be bright red.
When lobsters are cooked, drain. To completely remove the lobster, you shouldDemarcation line to drain the water that is collected area.Now time to eat! I recommend the lobster served with melted butter and lemon served.

The oven is used to make bread, cakes and pastries. Few people know this oven can only be used for cakes, can also be used to prepare dishes such as grilled fish, grilled pork chops, heat and fresh longer. Four easy to prepare meals, but all the ingredients (meat, cucumbers, etc.) into the pan, turn the knob of the temperature for cooking and the dish is ready in no time. OvensEspecially suitable for working women, healthy meals in a short time to prepare. In a simple way to prepare the dishes, cooking minimizes the use of equipment, so that reduces the laundry and kitchen are kept clean. We see a simple recipe Oven - Pork chops grilled with barbecue sauce.

BBQ Pork Chop BBQ Sauce
Pork chop 300 grams
20 grams of butter

2 tablespoons wine
Tomatoes3 tablespoons sauce soup
1 tablespoon chili sauce
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
1 tablespoon barbecue sauce
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
1 teaspoon salt
3 Hot and Cold Soup


Chops 1.Wash own. Mix well with marinade and marinate for 30 minutes.
2.Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Glaze the pan with the butter and arrange the chops on him with attention.
3.Grill in the oven for 10 minutes.
4.Flip the chops and brush with the remainingMarinade. Increase the oven temperature to 240 degrees and bake for another 10 minutes. Serve hot.

Spain is the country with a heritage complex and varied and Spanish cuisine reflects this fact. While Spain is a country in the Mediterranean, and owe much to so many Spanish dishes, Spanish cuisine including food premises in the country of the former colonies of Spain in the New World imports, such as beans, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes. Other Spanish dishes, on the basis of land to the Jews and the Moorish heritage - it should be noted that much has been ruled by Spain from the Moors for more thanseven hundred years. La Reconquista (the Christian reconquest of the Iberian peninsula from the Muslims) has left his mark on Spanish cuisine - pork is very popular in Spanish cooking, and historically was a political statement of Christian identity, so it is not eaten by Jews and Muslims was.

The most important ingredient in Spanish cooking is olive oil, which is not surprising when you consider that Spain produces almost half the world's oil. However, in the northSpain, butter and lard are also used.

Other features of Spanish cuisine, including the widespread use of garlic and onions, the proportion of bread and wine with most meals and the consumption of fruit and dairy products such as desserts. To serve particularly well known is the Spanish tradition of small appetizers (tapas) and drinks.

Some popular dishes include Spanish:

- Gazpacho - a cold soup of vegetables, especially popular in warm places such as Andalusia.Traditional Gazpacho from stale bread, garlic, olive oil, salt and vinegar, but today, peppers and tomatoes are often included. There is also a variant called &quit; &quit; gazpacho manchego which is served hot and the meat (usually rabbit) and mushrooms, and more like a stew and soup contains.

- Paella - a rice dish from Valencia. The main ingredients are rice, saffron and olive oil and the dish is usually stuffed with meat or fish and vegetables.

--Chorizo - a spicy sausage with bacon, seasoned with pepper and paprika done. There are two varieties: hot (spicy) and sweet (dulce). Most varieties can be eaten cold, even if the regions in Spain, that varieties need more time are producing with cooking. The chorizo is used not only used alone but also as an ingredient in d 'other dishes.

- Jamón Serrano - cured ham.

- Fabada - a stew of beans, including black pudding ( "width")Chorizo and pork, flavored with saffron and other spices.

- Olla Podrida - A rich stew of bacon, poultry or wild game, ham, meat and vegetables.

- Marmitako - A fish stew with onions, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes.

- Calamari - fried calamari.

- Frito pescaito - fish marinated, battered and fried.

- Tortilla de patatas - an omelette with onions and potatoes.

Whatever you learn, even for trivial things like a cigarette in hand, it means that you have learned something. Once you learn to stop, but begin to age. And this happens to people, including many elderly people - have never upgrade or update.

You can learn an old dog old dog new, but we do not learn quickly, but we learn when you drive slowly. And the old dogs need to keep it to remain fresh and appealing. If it comes to herbs, a course in Thai> Kitchen - is used for ceramics - that is, it is important to have an active interest in some projects. Learning to write is not without significance for someone with appropriate training and the right attitude. Accept that you're a fan - do anything for love - and act accordingly. Insist that your messages - no matter what level. Enjoy it positively.

Maintain your commitment to writing simple. Use words that you are comfortable. Do not write an essay or groped forGuided by the best authors in the world. Were talented and experienced, so you stand out from the crowd. He began his career as a piano concert at Carnegie Hall - who has many years of hard work and talent.

Be honest - check instead of taking and keeping things simple. This way, you learn to avoid mistakes and pitfalls. Slowly, he found his feet and improve your work. A weekend golfer who swings are a better hitter. Batters can never attain to lose later in liferesults that, once, but keep the sweet swingers.

Write as you speak, is a good rule: Tell me a story. That's all there is to it. Let the grammar the same species - that is why we live editors responsible for this kind of thing.

The last word: Please go ahead between the use of words like, while in the middle - you go on dates immediately.

Coconuts are growing the seeds, coconuts. Over time, a coconut will sprout and take root. The juice and pulp of coconut water and fertilizer to cultivate the delivery of new, young tree. Coconut trees are grown in Thailand, along the crest of irrigation canals on both sides. In some places, even trained monkeys to pick coconuts. Enter the coconut juice to drink, eat meat or to make coconut milk, and play a role in many non-food.

Coconut trees aretreated as good omen in Thailand. They are often in gardens and other trees that contain the word "mine" - for example, A. Muang (Mango), but the Gor (papaya) and MA Prao (coconut) - to bring happiness and include base thrives. Coconut oil is the first of drying the meat for several weeks, and then press produces. Sugar is out of juice from the pods of the coconut. The juice is boiled, and put a brown sugar (palm sugar) results.

Fresh coconut milk is widespread inThailand. Thais often buy fresh squeezed (income from the first pressing of coconut milk, is the second) is more like water with nutrients. Coconuts are sometimes grilled taste sweeter than sugar concentrate. The coconut milk is used in some soups and Thai curries (such as green curry, Massaman Curry Panaeng) and can be an important factor in the harmonization of a delicious taste and texture.

The coconut milk is poured over the sauce of mango with glutinous rice. Itis with black sticky rice cakes. In Thailand, there is often a choice of dessert buffet, which is displayed: many containers of freshly-prepared fruit crops and objects such as lotus seeds or grain. The customer selects some of the containers and they are all put on ice and a liquid milk-based relatively sweet coconut. Speaking of sweets, is another favorite, the coconut ice cream - in contrast with what actually dairy products, deliciousVersion can also be found with the coconut milk and cream is made. It's easy to shine and some versions are small pieces of coconut sugar. Some Thai restaurants in the United States. And of course, the kitchen, the second best in fresh coconut milk and canned coconut milk.

In Thailand, you can also buy young coconut is on the road when the seller chop open a coconut for you and you can enjoy fresh coconuts and juices. There are a number of othersnacks and appetizers as well. There are many examples of Thai coconut combine pleasing the potential benefits of health, with snacks and meals. Coconut contains substances such as lauric acid, known for benefits such as antimicrobial activity. Two other positive aspects are that coconut oil contains no trans fatty acids, and most of its saturated fat is medium chain together instead of long-chain fatty acids, which means it is digested more easily and less usedcould be stored as fat in the long term.

Interestingly, fat and coconut oil has many positive aspects. In addition to antiviral drugs, antibacterial and Antiprotozoal associated with lauric acid, coconut oil, of course, helps to normalize body lipids, protects against liver damage, and perhaps more importantly, improves the immune system, anti -- inflammatory response. Good saturated fats also contain trace elements and vitamins that are essential for metabolism. Coconut milk helpsThe balance of cholesterol metabolism, and provides valuable fatty acids. The positive aspects of coconut oil and palm kernels are usually part, probably because the Thais have a low rate of heart disease are.

There are non-food uses of nuts and coconut. Dried shells used in the manufacture of kitchen utensils such as spoons and household items, like the other lamps. Some tools are made of shells. Fibrous outer layer of the coconut is also used for fuel andas roofs. It 'also a component of cosmetics and soaps.

Thai medicine also makes use of the coconut (tree, leaves, bark, fruit juice). Finally, it is sufficient to say that there are a variety of food and non food coconut!

Lamai: Authentic Thai Cookery School in London and now employs more than professional kitchens in SE1, NW5, Crouch End and The School aims to promote the art and science of Thai cuisine. If you're an experienced cook, or simply expand your existing culinary skills, Lamai Cookery School offers a course for you.

Ham, ham, whatever you want to call (I still do not know at what point is being prepared by boiling a gammon a ham), a home cooked ham glazed with mustard is a worthy focus for any celebration .. Cold there is a focus on a lunch buffet, it's warm color and smoky flavor provides an excellent counterpoint to plain roast chicken and creamy quiches. Served hot in winter warms and can only piles of roasted potatoes and vegetables to sita hearty meal.

A friend of ours around the hill leading gay pigs on a small scale, looks good to them, and produced his wonderful bacon, ham, sausage and the rest. Our enormous 4kg Christmas ham was unsurpassed: tender, sweet, delicately smoky it was eaten up in no time with not nearly enough leftovers. Last time we had two smaller 2kg (4lb) hams, since all the adults had left him. They have not quite hit the taste sensation of the amount of Christmas, but were very good byless exalted standards.

If you want to cook your own ham, go for the best ham you can from a good butcher or small farmer - lost in large-scale commercially produced ones on taste somewhere along the line, but can still produce satisfactory results.

How do you cook your gammon / ham

Nigella Lawson's advice, I suppose. But instead of soaking the ham to excess salt from the smoking going on, I cover them with cold water in a large soup pot, take it only for theboil, then throwing the water and placed in fresh cold water. I then add the remaining ingredients and bring them back again to the boil and start the kitchen at this point. Check with your butcher, but if he says that the ham does not need soaking at all then you're okay without that step, unless you want to relieve some of the salt anyway.

To calculate the cooking time to work on 1 hour per kilo plus 20 minutes or 30 minutes per pound plus 20 minutes. Meatshould break away from the bone without something completely cracked into pieces when it is cooked.

Gammon / ham with a weight of over 2kg/4lbs

1litre/1.5 liter of apple juice or cider

2 carrots

2 stalks celery

2 medium onions

4 bay leaves

8 whole cloves

10 peppercorns

Bouquet garni (thyme, parsley, rosemary)

2 tablespoons brown sugar

Once you get rid of excess salt, as described above has all the ingredients except theSugar into a large pot, cover with cold water and bring to boiling point. The sugar now. Turn the heat down so that the water is not boiling too vigorously and cook for the allotted time as above. If you eat the gammon hot you now use. If you want to leave it cold, to get cool on the stock exchange, moisture in the meat. When it is cool to the ham from the camp. Cut stifle the hard shell is removed from the fat and the fat and meat with your glazeIngredients.

My favorite glaze is a mix of grainy mustard and brown sugar, two tablespoons of each mixed with one another. Sometimes I squeeze in some orange juice or use honey instead of sugar, then I'll usually put a teaspoon of mustard powder and a thickening of the glaze. Experiment with your favorite flavors. Mustard is always good for ham, though. The glaze should be fairly thick, not to run it right away the ham again. Place the glazed ham under theGrill / broiler for ten minutes or so, it must be set.

Always cook yourself a bigger ham than you, as the radicals as well as you are lucky, they need to eat all week!

Do not even think to overthrow cooking liquid from the ham. This inventory is a beautiful thick winter soups, especially with pulses - lentils or beans, there's so much flavor already exists, you can simply throw in a cup of lentils and prepared an instant soup, so long as it takesthem to cook. Freeze the stock in large containers to bring cheap, if you need a warming, delicious dinner.

Copyright 2007 Kit Heathcock

pokemon silver version

No matter what you learn, even trivial tricks like a cigarette with one hand, you mean something learned. Once you learn to quit, but you start to age. And this happens to far too many older people - they never upgrade or update.

You can teach an old dog new tricks, they learn not only fast, but learn when you drive slowly. And the old dogs to keep them fresh longer and attractive. Whether it's herb garden, a course in Thai> Cooking - it used to ceramics - whatever is it important to have an active interest in a project. Learning to write, is not without the hands of someone with a sound education and the right attitude. Accept that you are doing an amateur - it is the love of doing it - and will proceed accordingly. What is stress no texts - no matter at what level. Enjoy it positively.

Keep your efforts in writing simple. Use words that you feel comfortable. Do not write a school essay or attempt toto emulate the world's best writers. They were talented and experienced, so they stand out from the crowd. Do not start your career in piano concert at Carnegie Hall - that many years of hard work and talent.

Be honest - check, instead of guessing and keep it simple. This way you learn, by avoiding mistakes and pitfalls. Slowly, you find your feet and improve your work. A weekend golfer who swings better than a knight. Hitters, they lose later in life never reachthe results that they once, but swingers keep sweet.

Write as you speak, is a good rule of thumb: Tell me a story. That is all you need to do. Let's give the grammar - that is why we are editors who have to live for something.

Last word: Please move from words like in, while, in the middle - they get to date you now.

pokemon silver version

If you are cooking for a special occasion and go looking for an escort to your savory dish, it is tempting to choose the classical French, Dauphinoise potatoes. A fantastic dish, is loaded but the fat of butter and cream, and too rich for some. For the health conscious there is an alternative, called Boulanger potatoes, are being made to virtually fat-free, but offer no loss of taste or the sense of occasion. It can also be made to be a vegetarian or. vegan Again, it is in French and follow the recipe for our version;

Boulanger Potatoes - Serves 4


2lb / 900g potatoes
1lb / 450g onion - peeled and cut into thin slices
4 garlic cloves - peeled and finely chopped
2oz / 50g butter
1ltr stock - preferably chicken, but vegetable is fine
1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
1 teaspoon fresh sage - finely chopped
Salt & Pepper


Peel the potatoes and cold water.

Put 1 / 2 the butter in aPan melted and add the onions, garlic and herbs. Cooking, until the onions are translucent. Set aside. (For a fat-free alternative gently the onions, garlic and herbs poach in a little water until they are soft.)

Slice the potatoes, cut into thin slices, about 3 mm thick.

Suppose you give a shallow ovenproof dish and place a layer of potatoes on the ground. Season. Then add a layer of onions. Layer potato slices over and repeat on the onions. With a layer of potatoes. Pour the stock overThe top to just below the upper layer. Season. Dot the remaining butter over crunchy in the oven and bake at 190 ° C for 1 hours at the top. (Even for a fat-free alternative, let the butter, but it remains to cook.)

We tried the recipe for success, on many occasions with our guests in our Bed & Breakfast in France. For more details and any other original recipe every month visit the

pokemon silver version pokemon ruby pokemon emerald

The soup is perfect for any occasion, any time of the year. Whatever the case, in every season, there is a recipe of cool or chilled match hot and hearty. By broth bisque, chowder consomme too, is the selection of dishes, the chef at home can create endless. Simple or elaborate, are soups, can easily and thin elements, or thick and complex. To reassure the ideal food for the soul and nourish the body, a bowl of soup is always just a moment. Put away the can opener and create adelicious dishes such as Thai Hot and Sour, Spicy Brazilian Fish Soup with coconut milk, shabu-shabu, fried duck with sherry or Greek Lemon.

Generally inexpensive to make, must not be missing soups taste or satisfaction. Most of the recipes you need only a handful of ingredients easily in the refrigerator or pantry. While light diet can start with a fresh broth, which begin most savory dishes with a rich, spicy broth or puree as the base. Broth made from dried can be createdBouillon or purchased in pre-market packaged cartons and cans. The best stocks are from the ground up in the kitchen with the remains or cheap meat and vegetables. Stick to, while a somewhat time-consuming process is worth the effort. Shares may be made and frozen, refrigerated days before the use, or used on and in the course of several months.

Make soup requires no special equipment. But some common cooking and can measure the task much easier. A fewheavy stockpot and pans will make itself as useful for the soup, as a large cutting board and sharp knives. A blender is necessary for turning soup into puree, and a strainer and cheesecloth in large measure to get the small particles out of stocks and broths to help. A food processor or hand chopper is fast diced onions, celery and other vegetables is essential.

While the traditional soups such as French onion, tomato and basil, biscuit and crabs are coveted restaurant fare, there is noReason to shy from making these dishes at home. The signing of flavors and textures can be of the right ingredients, equipment and some basic techniques will be recreated by anyone. Why shy away from completing the courts may be surprising, if one together this afternoon and serve it tonight?

emerald pokemon pokemon ruby pokemon silver version

One of the most exciting dishes that you can prepare regularly for your family's vegetable stir fry dishes. One of the reasons that frying vegetarian dishes, stir are exciting is that they usually contain very colorful due to the variety of vegetables. Stir fry, vegetarian dishes are a good alternative to add healthy vegetables to every meal.

Stir fry, vegetarian dishes are usually either in a large frying pan, frying pan or wok. Oil for cooking and is best usedOption is either olive oil for a lighter taste or peanut oil for a fuller oriental style taste you might want to create. For those who are their calorie intake and find a low calorie control, but very good food, one of the spray oil products such as "PAM" and your stir fry vegetable dishes not only a good cook, but still very low calories.

For those who want to cook strict vegetarian stir fry dishes, which are getting in the nature Oriental Wok. AWok is relatively friendly budget and is responsible for stir fry dishes because of the fact that the wok can be very hot and normally capable of much hotter than even a pan.

Oriental Stir Fry

Oriental stir fry vegetable dishes are extremely easy to make and can be prepared and cooked in less than 20 minutes.

-1 Onion

1 red bell pepper

-1 Big can of Chinese vegetables (usually from water chestnuts, bamboo shoots and baby corn).

Soy sauce to taste (try low sodium soySauce for those who are trying to reduce their salt intake).

Olive oil

Once you cut the vegetables to heat up, the wok and then add a little oil, now add your contents enter into the wok and stir. A wooden spoon or other utensils is helpful. It is important to move the food, because the wok can be very hot and burning objects, hold the remains stationary for a long time. This recipe makes about 2 servings.

Super Easy Stir Fry (about 15 minutes to prepare andKoch)

If you are in a hurry and want to make a meal for your family that not only tastes good but is very delicious, you can buy pre-stir fry mixes.

-1 Stir fry mix package. These masses are complete with everything you need. They often include vegetables such as green beans, chestnuts, water, rice, corn, bamboo shoots, peppers, etc. It could also include chicken, beef or pork.

-A few tablespoons of olive oil

Only lightly oil your wok orPan, heat over medium temperature and stir for 10 to 15 minutes. Follow the service you stir fry mix suggestions for your package.

Stir Fry Veggie Variations

In addition to the above, stir fry recipes, you can easily move fish, shrimp or tofu your roast. Is another good idea, add your stir fry with Thai-style noodles, which can hold a spicy sauce.

emerald pokemon

(Slow ride on the usual eerie shot of Rod Sterling, in color this time it was with this crazy know-it-all smirk on his face.)

... what happens when someone crosses the line into the reality of its wildest dreams, only to find that the end is closer to them than they think? Picture if you will, a woman who just wants to live life to its fullest, will eventually be strengthened in elegant ... the Eventide Zone.


As if she knewI was there, hugging the white park bench, both me and the snow. I slowly stretched, yawning, taking a salary assessment of my surroundings. Covered in newspapers and crinkled floated me banal, as if suddenly all was well, I just got up, brushed my face as the snow. Why was the park bench knows? It seemed strange.

I stood, and had a touch of my former disability involved to the left. Had discovered Patting my head with the palm of my hand, I my handicapmore relaxed, it was a nice feeling, and I heard a woman screaming, to my immediate right. It echoed around whining in my head like a narcissistic false ecstasy.

Dancing in the general direction, I found tragic spectrum of a winter scene. There were four young men. Three of them stood on a side to my right, and the dude to my left was clearly the market leader. ... He had quite a long menacing looking knife in his hand, and threatened, "the girl" with him. She wasJust standing there, laughing, held in his arms. The leader began throwing a knife from one hand to the other ever so slightly. I watched, fascinated, and saw clearly, as I rather enjoyed the sight deceived - to them.

She laughed merrily, lines of drug use was the cover on his arms and grab the strawberries' like crazy. That is, they enjoy their last moments. Guy wanted to slice and dice it. I thought, hey turn, it's my. I am, after all, Marsha Lart!I do not hate all this ripping? Maybe I should not ... what is - worried? Is it not what Christmas is about, I thought squeamish?

So I grabbed his left arm, fast-twitch it away from there and danced the unexpected. I moved to the right took place, as "the girl" as Laughing Boy behind me, just me in his big ol 'arms. But he shook with laughter, determined what would happen next.

Everyone seemed to be a great old time, and most of their sickEmotions escaped me entirely. I was sober, and they were filled with water, alcohol and crystal meth. I stood there, smiled and said, "You look like a great leader, Guy. Tell me, what is it?"

"Huh?" he said, his male self suddenly alerted to the presence of a wise gal He stood quite still, always tired, evaluate its drug itself, to change the situation. The perfect moment made Japanese-style karate buddy him. You see, I really did not know what knifeare.

That was unexpected. The knife flew, I pulled my right arm, the man stopped me at the same time, swaying to the moment, as I turned too sharp, and I was from there.

I pulled, ran like the wind, but knew I wanted to run out of it. Like a character in a film, I tried to enjoy the time of my demise, while on the run. I had grabbed the final strawberry, as she had told me to do in karate class. I wondered why she was willing to die. Iif only unconsciously, forever ... was what my husband wanted, one had to hurt me? No, he was also very dying for me.

Unfortunately, I was now headed by a weird angled down city streets. Curious and a bit in my schedule, I began to lose "running ability," as I bent with his right hand into a dead end ally. I was slipping on the snow, and was safely on the way to my downfall. I slid into the alley and saw the end of the road - andDeath.

Tears streamed down my cheeks and freeze immediately froze. Wheeling Around, I packed two frost-covered trash can lids, were the help. I thought maybe I could distract the bat, I could at least raise these matters. She weighed about as much as foam. I lifted Flotsam and Jetsam, she swung at the oncoming pack of boys. She definitely had all their big knives out now.

I have no role. Somehow the girl. I would at least die. fight

Then something just fell out of the cold and darkness, isolated himself and beat their leader. I could say it was a bad thing but a good thing, it was so rushed down and plowing through and stinging their faces like a sledgehammer into a number of leading nowhere at once.

The trash can lid, such as disappointed, dropped to my sides. For something fascinating had been on. I made a short time of operation dustbin lid in front of me, as I believe theirCold sink grasp my finger. It was what it seemed to be a ninja of no substance, and it took the three others one at a time when she saw, deprived of their easy victory.

Since the moving shadow of a sudden took the form of a very large man. "Jesse Jackson is not? Dead, the Bruce Lee? ... No, Vlad Tepes," I muttered under my breath, angry with reference to Comte Dracula, the Muslim rulers who had killed the 700 Christians of the 700 Club. JimCrow? "Was that a racist character, with which to frighten superstitious blacks?" Nah, I thought, honestly, my God, from an even older Italy ... " Pierrot -? "A doll that dark, a black with long horns on its head, and yet somehow it was. And finally, I thought I beat this thing somehow of a medieval Jewish knight.

But that was not what was Pierrot, but so completely. Out of nowhere, I was Smack Dab in the middle of the Commedia del'Arte, the centuries-old farceAntics of the clown and the serious people. It was the old, Mediterranean Sea, and mystical. What could I do from the serious man?

Pierrot was white, beautiful, and gave a head of straight black hair. He had the curly hair of the Madcap Harlequin Clown for Columbine, the beautiful, is sometimes disputed, and then hung himself because of the loss of his "wife." It was the woman he wanted to marry. That the Italian "del'Arte" thing was, I remembered it vaguely from my dreams. Itdawned on me that black, masked and still hard to see picture has indeed ... Pierrot.

"No," said this deeply masculine, but vague, boyish-sounding voice: "I am." I thought: I can not believe how much I feel at this moment. I'm disappointed. I have lost the fight. It would have taken less time if I had been killed. What does that mean? I had risked my life to save another's - for what? For this?

How underrated. The snow was blowing about in the street,Eddy draped around his suit, the gray and blue-black color of Bateman, but a comic book and movie character.

"Who are you, what do you think you're doing?" was told me in the deep, bell-like tone of a carefully measured actual someone is trying to reach an actual someone else. I gulped and grabbed my knowledge neck. I did something very strange to tell him, as if it now grabbed my brain and I knew what it was well in advance.

He stoodthere, thinking. I ordered both trash can lid with a loud noise as "one of them" took off running and made it elsewhere. Must have been a bystander. The other three boys were flattened. I reached a wise gal look on my face and shrugged his shoulders. My husband was a great Semitic Jews, not practicing, which I always looked very much like the fool. I had always thought that it is a coincidence. Now I had to stop and ask ... could it be? He had told me that although a Jew, he hatedall the Hebrew people. He was kind of against it.

The Jester ... absolutely must Harlequin, The Harlequinade. Nothing, nothing and nobody else. The Madcap clown himself.

But now, Bateman wanted me arrested or something.

And had the fool simply sniffed all along of being Harlequin. The many colors of his costume is clearly demonstrated. The comic character of old, which certainly would now take revenge against me by such a ridiculousProxy, as this - The Bateman.

Vengeance-again? Harlequin had won so many times on the Harlequinade. He had made fun of the police, and he had almost pulled the rope that had hung the Pierrot as the serious man was finally Suicided ... Columbine to lose him.

If ever began to happen that can, or if "Bateman" There is still moving. Cold snow whirled over us both as he stood patiently watching me. A final clatter of noise appeared in the background hum, as if someCars were in the vicinity.

I thought so squeamish about this. The Jester had begun as a "dirty" Jews in Detective, had in the first panel of the first comic strip he appeared, December 1940. Harlequin had lost his fight in the subsequent agony of Harlequinade, so long ago. He was not "pure" is. Racism had drawn his own old threads, one way or another. Harlequin was either too boring or too poor, and had therefore found Detectivetheir victim, someone to ridicule, as a villain appears. Casting him as a Jewish miser was fairly typical of their sometimes bleak style. To deny a clown with a vampire, for the children to buy "all in color for a dime" funny books. Bateman was only the Suprememan ripoff, a detective, like a superhero. I remembered it.

My husband, either on the same side or the other was not at all heroic. He was a curly black hair, a clown. He had until now been my friends and toLaughter riding companion for many years, and we had practiced the martial arts together. But I've told you about him. He was not ... nice.

But Bateman, or whoever he was, remained motionless, with the cloak around him like a giant black-wrapper. Then he shrugged him with one arm. He stood still, as if my assessment. I wondered briefly whether I am good looking at all "The Bateman." For some reason, was, I wore a shirt with short sleeves andShorts that do not help much in the cold.

"You want to tell me what is your role in this," Brice Wayne whispered in my ear away from moving too far. Something told me that this man was somehow named that volatile memories and impulses. I used to have tons of silly comic books to read while they grow up. And in fact, I had shown that "cop is" fighting force and had to do with him - while at the same time trying to figure out what to say... this man.

"Yes, you're right, Brice," I muttered, "good old martial art store just me. Self-defense." I had to sink down to the status of Columbine in my innocence. She was, I believe the innocent ingénue of the old Italian farce. "Finally, it is always self-defense, is not it?

"What are you doing here?" stated in this quizzical Italianesque voice that envelops my soul wounded deep baritone with traditional overtones toCop It would kill me, his voice implied, if I so much as moved.

"Is the Gothic City?" I wincingly I asked him. I realized that who he was, he could kill very quickly.

"You know where you are not you?" he asked me back. It sounded like he pumps me for information. Maybe he did not know me at all. It sounded like an order referred only to an early grave.

If that Bateman, where I was, what was that to me? Who was I ...? Truly, no, I was notColumbine! That was just the Columbine High School, where something terrible had happened, too. The black-suited Bateman as children who had shot some of the other children at a secondary school. I could not see Bateman. I dreamed, but everything was real. And I had the feeling that my hair was gone again, dyed a bright and cherry red, as if I was a teenager.

Go, "Get on my back, and until we do. On board now." What? I thought how strange fantasies go, this should quickly disappear book.Maybe if I close my eyes, everything would be gone. But I had to open it and go there, and beside him. It was like a command to a very serious man, and I was forced to obey completely.

I went behind him and came on the back. We were on our way to the building at a rapid pace, and I barely had time to clutch his broad shoulders like Damned Jock went straight to Wall Street. I saw the technical equipment, trembled, and grew bleak. Finally, I had to say it.

"IsHarlequin really my husband? "I screamed out loud when we have succeeded and flopped over like bricks, bounce my knees without too much pain to the rubbery roof of the building. That Giant Sucking" Muslim "or Musselman, the former childhood hero, and God was there and looked at me as if I had something that was vaguely amusing were. I do not weigh so much, I thought, as he took me to a certain advantage over metal pipes. I felt very embarrassed and ashamed.

"No, buthe's probably just your basic hilarious Jewish "Sidekick". I have to meet several of these. Remember, Jerry Lewis? Actually, he was the most important man, and Dean Martin was the mate. Have you ever seen their movies? I never had the time to enjoy ... "Before he could finish, I cut him short.

"Take care of my girl, Woman Hater," I muttered, as he tied me to the old gray pipe sticking out of a slab of concrete, probably something worth studying, when I went there to standfor a while. I thought the girl I had previously saved from this brief comment. She was sure about out there somewhere.

"So, what are you, a woman-hater?" was laughing when he was only handcuffed to his seat. They were loose, and I was suddenly on a long leash. How long I would stand there, I did not know enough to find time to say something about this overdressed wombat or whatever it was calm, made me leave. "Oh, and Satan, then would you go lookingfor my ... Girl? "- He was gone.

I knew why he had done so, dass He was looking for her. Perhaps she needed more help. Certainly it was. She was walking in the cold.

I thought maybe he is right, I tied up. I would not have stood there forever. Perhaps I should have jumped up, just to see if I could fly. Perhaps Bateman knew what I was! Cold, tired and a little too well. Where was my old and trusted disability if?

I looked around, and seemed the placeto materialize in front of me, as if it were a suburb of New York City, which was untrammeled by its skyscrapers hectares. Coated white all about me, this is my blinking eyes could hold, pointed roofs and tilted so that I could measure everything only for a short distance. I sighted along the minaretted roofs of a lustrous silver-gray surroundings.

But stretched several monumental buildings in a sprawling greyly, distribution group, overwhelming pain in their severity and robust far away,press into my new awareness of reverent wonder. These include city - incredibly - maintained over many dozen and more of them. There were the usual NYC-style tower shining shapes of rectangles, but occupy a much larger urban area. The whole vast spread of a city could only be described as infinitely large, massive, spreading as my eyes could see. And I suddenly realized none of it was blurry. I could see without glasses.

I thoughtpossibly everything I had ever seen, the Gothic, from this low and relatively flat roof already overcrowded, and the role of the "city" was I?

It looked like a circle, almost carefully laid out, but with the usual problems of some sudden leaps, granular structures, which inhabits view of the huge room. It was a city, but like no other I ever seen in my thirty five years of life. It struck me that a younger me would die, discover a city like this. I would be comfortable meeting place for theirsmall shops, read the newspapers, and drink their delicious coffee.

The view! As it slowly appeared, it was a huge monolithic color. Sounds of beeping cars and buses pulls up to curb grinding adorned my ears. This WAS Gothic City. Golden green, blue, silver, red, purple, champagne was the sparkling lights of the distance between us. Astonished, I strongly yearned for the sky, was clearly out there head. How was the night for the Bateman? TheGabriel's Trumpet city needs to give it known.

I could finally see everything in color for a dime. Gothic City, lived and breathed to me, although I thought attacked over drug abuse had, ladies of the evening, and cheap hotel room. And I knew I was too old for her. I took a deep breath, and all of the pollution was mysteriously missing. And yet I have smelled a gay airy air all about me. Were there any out there examined blood samples? Has something of the black race have a chanceagainst the supposedly chosen people? The group had fought, I would have been as white trash as I had ever seen. Certainly there were heroes to black, brown, with strange wonder ... I imagine that this dream which I have here, I thought.

What in the world such a juxtaposition mean? How could drug abuse in such a situation like this? Sure, there were not enough jobs available. The city too busy, hard beauty that she was. There was crime in this case a queen. Perhaps Metropolis, whereKing, distributed not have enough resources around them. Perhaps NYC, the Jack somewhere in the area ... I accidentally lost in the speculation. What was the fool to do with such a very strange card game.

I would definitely be "fixed" by someone. Yes, I was real, but most of my disability was gone, and I turned on the right side was so much better about myself and I hope that watching Suprememan or Supremegirl. Frown, I knew it had one of the two who had done it, and made mein this way.

That, I laughed, I'll wake up from this fast enough, suddenly does not exist at the girl and her life, he is here trying out there, they hunt, and she is a "druggie" who thinks she's fine .

Perhaps it is Columbine's, I gasped! What was her name? He speaks to her, I thought to myself, and I "is jealous," having a decent go at trying to help her. But maybe they always had a rotten life. Probably he was not against them. Most police officers do notreally do. You try to help. But he could have on his back in a cheap motel somewhere. I hated him.

Anyway, maybe he has her home. Maybe I was just ... Pierrette. She was the least important figure in the old Italian mystery. It should get married ... "Pierrot that's right, and they did not. They just slid behind the scenes. Whether they hang at the end too? I was quite hung up on the handcuffs. I looked at the edge of the roof of the building, yearning to go about it anddie. Columbine had danced off a cliff, and I completely forget what happened to Pierrette.

It was so cold. I started out my legs move back and forth to keep myself warm. "Would Bateman" ever return? Even the thought of it made me sick. Sure, this is a new kind of policeman who had learned the martial arts, all disguised as Bateman. I was in New York City is still, and that was only a dream.

Some dream. I took a deep breath, sighed, looked at Gothic City. Might be worth exploring. Couldbe like NYC wildest of my dreams. I giggled and suddenly my own hand clamped over her mouth.

Then "the look" is happening. He looked slightly tired as he climbed over the roof. He walked up to me as if something went through my head. Or Mind? Let's see, these guys are referring more advanced forms of life than I am, a bit like the X-Men by Marvel, but more slowly or something, and human enough. Or, he is just some silly bastard of a cop. I showed him what I bythis is with deep fatigue on my face.

What I had thought, I grabbed me and cried inwardly, no, not the Bateman! I collect my soul and turned him to say. Now.

"Brice, I know who you are," I choked in my palm. All the knowledge I had of him, spilling out of my mouth, spit on my ability to understand. I'd say it, there was nothing else to say. Maybe if I played along with the farce, "Bateman admitted" would be hisFalsity.

"Okay," said the same voice that sounds totally tired. "What are you doing here ... no, come home with me, and ... I'll show you where I live ... right now." I remembered that Bateman is not necessarily a lot of sleep at night.

Okay, I thought. And I told him what I thought about my whole life story, as we rushed through the enormity, the Gothic town was up to the car. It was stormy, and too long to describe here, but scared me a littleless.

"You have to be used with soaring. Swoop and snatch. I mean, do you want Suprememan you! They are not all unacceptable to me who I am, is certainly imagine this. Not!" He is disguised as an enemy, I thought, slowly, over the period of time.

"No, it is not. Are not I Get. In the car, vagabond. And do exactly what I say." Who knows what he did, to my knowledge of his identity. Probably wants me to stay at home all day. What we do whileI'm trying to remain faithful to my husband?

But there was something terribly wrong, my husband was sweet as a rule, which undoubtedly ugly - I could not remember doing.

It seemed to have in a drab blur to do with my husband breaking my sternum, ripped my chest open, and cries tearing my soul .... There was injured. It had been a lot of pain and blood everywhere. Then I'd fainted.

"" Nkay: "I blurredly intoned as he opened the car door. I was shakingRiding on the legs of the nature and the wind. It had taken some time, and it was dark outside. I stared at the car, which looked pristinely black, but threatening.

He nodded, while carefully on my head, and he unabashedly ducked my whole body up into the vehicle. I sat there and waited, as he climbed artistically, the old familiar moving shadows, into his own side. "Whatever you do, do not turn to me, uh, she," I said suddenly. "TheJLA. "

"What the Justice Legion of America?" Who were they, I thought this group of superheroes with their own Earth-Centered satellites, of which Bateman was supposed to be a member - or something like the B'nai Brith or the Italian Anti-Defamation Legion? Strangers in suits who fought for civil rights? Or was the Justice Legion of America, only the Klu Klux Klan, as my friend from Mexico, had previously told me?

Meanwhile, I was racist with the same cartoon character.Where to now?

"No problem. We go to my apartment, and we go for it now. They are safest at home o-hearted female. You know too much. They must remain seated while I figure what to do with you. "

The car shot quickly, and we were out of this dark alley for all systems in the vehicle had closed - followed too quickly for me.

I leaned back, wavering at all. "Tell me why we are moving so fast andslightly. "

"Could Suprememan" intones the voice of Bateman, "But this incredible journey is associated primarily with you, from me, a lot of technical equipment including ozone positors that you can not possibly understand, and my need to fill ... not so far. "Long pause. "As yet."

"Understood," I whispered ramblingly and looked around. We were pretty fast on the highway, honking in exactly one fan driver. I suspected the guy wasjust to say hello. The Batemobile properly strutted her own purring quiet, nonchalant maneuvering into place, as if defined lines and angles were all around, guiding and lighting the path. The snow was bright, traversed by the side windows, without affecting it, and melted in an instant.

The same great views, Gothic City, was still out there. Now it was beginning to "gem", or perfectly with the many bright lights late at night, reminded meonce that I used in San Francisco at night. It was so beautiful.

"I finally broke down and she thought, 'I said, to measure his telepathy. I waited casually. Nothing." I mean the car. No, that girl. "What happened, what has it left on? A hideous parking garage?"

That is, if the pigeon Batemobile suddenly downward into a midnight blue underground, after I beat a quick straight from the highway. We were in a closed space, deepSubway. The Bateman turned to me, and whipped off his demon mask. I was gaping mouth again, because I could not believe what I saw. What should I not been able to see, just three inches from my face.


And so I waited for the considerate reply Bateman's, how slowly melted the coldness between us and around us. A cocoon of warmth emanates straight from the sun, surrounded us, and I heard the old Xanadu of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem, something about weaving "... aCircle around him thrice and close your eyes with holy dread, for he has fed on honeydew and drunk the milk ... "

"The girl, Brice. What did they do to him?" I interjected.

"I turned them into rehab, and not worry about her at all. You are with me now, you will stay with me forever, and it is no longer running around rescuing people. Understand?" The abandon us. Good . Oh, and by the way ... "

"What?" I asked breathlessly BriceWayne, who looked very dark, with his mask off, male and awesomely beautiful. In a telling far beyond the stage that a strictly ... human. After moving down, I noticed the black bat symbol on his massive chest.

It was not really a picture of a bat. It seemed emblemize something else, like a huge gaping wound. I remembered that Bateman was sometimes called "The Dark Knight." And I remembered it the nickname "The Caped Crusader." Did not do the songs have to do withthe Crusades? It was Jewish, Christian and Muslim knights, I realized. Pierrot would have been one of them? I had heard that Jesus Christ invented vampire bats.

It was as if something had happened to him, because something has happened to me. I blinked and looked again, and the symbol was to be back filled an outline of a black, "Campy" bat from the yellow shining moon, Cary Bates delivered around long.

I had been feeling del'Arte the Commediaabove. Finally.

"Happy Holidays, my dear Marital Arts," the Bateman sighed and picked up a glove and weighs my little chin smoothly into his big brown hand. "Have you ever heard something about a legal matter rather than a divorce work? Much better than. To run away when you're hungry, there's plenty to eat up. By the way, I'm cook our dinner. What do you want? Chinese , Thai ... Italian? "

"I love spaghetti. What happened toAlfred? "

"He is still there. He's off tonight."

(Cut a long, slow to Rod Sterling, does not smile as always, as he never pan at the end of each episode. Rather, he shrugged slightly - as in great pain about the unknown.)

... and this is the story of an ordinary woman who bears a striking knowledge of a potentially Christian, or are suspected turned out differently, winter vacation. One that almost everything, such as: a bat-symbol could be displayed, atawdry joke about a fat, black man without a smile, could save the seriousness of a TV host's show, or a little more realistic hero, a beautiful, brave woman from something much, much worse than a white man like me telling ... the Eventide Zone.

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You might think that creating your own recipes, and you go with a recipe search engine is not together, but you might find a recipe search useful if you want to make the recipes. Most of the ingredients, good taste have been combined together in other recipes.

You can search for a recipe by cooking to be done, by ingredient or course. Maybe you want inspiration for Indian recipes, Italian recipes, pasta recipes, salad recipes, appetizers. The beauty is looking for a recipe that youChoose the kind of food that you use as inspiration.

How to Adapt a recipe

If you're after a recipe of the situation, you are creating your own situation. The best way to begin is by DIY with a simple recipe that you know how.

Perhaps you have a favorite meat or fish dish. As the court would try, if you added some Thai spices and served with noodles and sauce instead of baked potatoes or rice you normally use?

You canYou combine your favorite parts of different recipes to create a new one. For example, if you have a favorite recipe for grilled chicken and white wine sauce are a winning recipe, you can use a recipe search to complete the perfect garnish for this meal.

Of course, a recipe search engine is not able to create new recipes themselves, but you can find recipes and adjust them at will.

Tips for creating recipes

Do not expect any institution to be amazing. Itmay happen that you find a version for use in a recipe and that it simply does not work. If this should happen just chalk it to experience and try a new concept for the next time.

Rather than create a new spice mixture and rub it contained a whole chicken, why not a new spicy sauce, and cook the chicken. In this way, is where the spice mixture is wrong, you have not ruined a whole chicken.

The only things that has recipes for the invention itself a creative streak and a littleBravery. You do not need a gourmet chef or have extensive knowledge of food.

Just run, instead of trying to create an elaborate meal from scratch. That could mean, change the type of cheese in a recipe and a few of the vegetables. It could mean you Chinese spices in a fish dish, instead of Italian seasoning in the recipe.

Perhaps you have tried this already. Maybe you have half-way through a recipe before and suddenly realized you do not have toIngredients. Perhaps you've replaced the ingredient is something that you do not have. This is a kind of recipe creation, because your meal was original and different from the recipe.

With a recipe search engine is the best way to get started because you can explore different types of recipes and has a recipe search by ingredient, if you have an idea of what you want to use.

Copyright (c) 2009 Christine Szalay Kudra

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The family and recently went to Disney World in Orlando, FL for a long weekend holiday. We stated at the Fort Wilderness Campground in one of the huts. This is the fourth time that I have personally been to Disney World whereas my wife and her family were there was more than a dozen times.

I must say, the cabins were very good. It is what I expected, it was a hut, and you should have the feeling that you were camping. In other words, if you see something on the ground or earthSpider web or two, do not panic, it's not such a big deal.

One thing that I recommend spends a day just to enjoy the campsite. There is a lot to do. You can go horse riding, rent a kayak or bike, walk or press the lake and rent a pontoon. Remember, if you rent on the exploration of the campsites in a golf cart plan. They cost $ 57 for the day and must be before 11:00 Clock again the day after, in whom it was rented. It is a kind of expensive, but worth it if you do not wantdo not run much.

The camp is home to Mickey's Backyard Barbecue and the Hoop Dee Doo Review. We went into the Backyard Barbecue and it was a really good time. The food was good, buffet, and the kids had a lot of fun singing and dancing with the characters and actors. The price was fairly high, but it is what I call Disney and all expected.

At night, you jump on a wagon ride for about $ 9.00. They generally run two cars times 7:30 and 9:00 pm Clock. There are noReservations, as it relates to a "first come, first serve basis. Thus, in busy seasons, I would suggest there early.

They have two swimming pools. One is that as the "main" pool and is especially when all of its swimming does not work. The second pool is closer to the 2600-loop, and when we were there, there was hardly a soul around, except for the two ducks, the apartment where she took. I am in the summer months, when it certainly a lot hotter, use more people to the pool.

The cabinseven offered to sleep for six, although I would not say it was a comfortable sixth since one of the beds a rollaway bed, which is no place for clothes, who is using this option leaves. The kitchen has a refrigerator, dishwasher, sink and stove with oven, which provide you with the opportunity to, and be prepared to pay your own food at high prices in the side of the park. The campground has named two shops trading post, where you buy food, but I found it suppliesare quite expensive.

The kitchen is equipped with plates, bowls, cups, pans, etc. to all your cooking and if you're in the mood for some barbecue, you're in luck, because each cabin with a charcoal grill that Disney is equipped personnel are nice enough to keep it clean for you.

All in all I really have no complaints, telling me you are traveling to the Fort Wilderness campsite would, but they would not recommend anyone do notCamping and outdoor activities.

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As we know, the common and seasonal cold are the most common diseases in the world, with more than 1 billion colds per year reported in the United States alone. The cold should not be a distinct disease caused by a limited 1 of more than 200 viruses.

Traditionally, a member of the Chinese families, who were only allowed to have a cold hot chicken soup and chicken congee take to digest the avoidance of all hard and cold dishes. Nobody knows why, but it workseffective.

Here are some chicken soup and chicken congee are recipes that I every time a member of my family has always used a cold.

1. Vietnamese Recipe: Chicken Congee Hue Style


* 5 chicken thighs, bone and skin
* Two 1-inch knob fresh ginger, peeled and halved lengthwise
* 5 whole cloves garlic, peeled
* 1 onion, peeled and quartered
* 10 peppercorns

Rice pudding

* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* 3 / 4 cup jasmine rice, rinsed anddrained
* 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
* 3 shallots, diced
* 1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger
* 4 leeks, into thin slices (sliced white for soup, green for garnish)
* 2 tablespoons Vietnamese fish sauce
* Fine sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper to taste
* Handful fresh Vietnamese coriander, chopped
* Handful of fresh Thai basil leaves, chopped
* Handful of fresh mint leaves, chopped
* Lime wedges (optional)

Make inventory, placed first seriesof ingredients in a 6-qt soup pot and give with cold water. Bring to boil and immediately reduce the heat has let simmer gently. Let chicken cook for about 25 minutes or until cooked through. Remove chicken and let cool. Carefully remove meat from the bones and try to keep the meat into large pieces. Back skins and bones to stockpot unresolved. The chicken is cut into long thin strips for use in rice pudding or salad. Continue to add hot water to take stockPot to keep the ingredients for the rest of the cooking time under water. I like to simmer my stock for at least 2 hours, but ideally it should simmer for 6 hours or longer. Once done, pour broth through a fine strainer into another stock pot. Discard the solids.

Rinse rice and drain. Heat a frying pan with olive oil, shallots, ginger, garlic and rice and throw until rice is fragrant and completely coated with oil. Transfer rice pot Simmering stock. Cook for another 30 minutes oruntil rice is soft. Add white part of scallions, fish sauce and salt & pepper. Serve in soup bowl, garnished with chicken and chopped herbs. You can squeeze a little fresh lime juice for a burst of freshness. Mix all ingredients until before dinner to enjoy all the wonderful flavors.

2. Chicken congee with steamed vegetables

• 1 to 2 cups long-grain rice
• 5 to 6 cups chicken broth
• 2 tsp salt
• Olive Oil
• Salt and pepper
• 2 cups darkChicken, cut loose
• Your Favorite Vegetables
• peanuts, chopped chilies, or chopped green onions for garnish

Traditionally, rice pudding is done when water is added to rice and then cooked to a paste is consistency. Substituting chicken broth for water, rice porridge has an extra strong flavor. Start by giving the broth and cook the rice. Once boiling, reduce to medium-low. Then put the lid on the pot and steam can escape as when making rice. Cook the chicken in aPan for a minute or two to give it some color and then add the rice. 1 hours stirring occasionally until 1 hours 15 minutes, or until the rice pudding reaches the right consistency and serve. With salt, white pepper to taste and side dishes for flavor without the heat. If you have a steamer, you will be your favorite vegetables in the pot to help the chicken broth infusion with the vegetables, as well as save time cooking!

3. Mom's Cold-Season Chicken SoupRecipe

4 cups homemade chicken broth
Fat from the homemade chicken broth
1 yellow onion, peeled and coarsely chopped
2 carrots, sliced into half-inch slices (about the same amount as onions)
2 celery stalks, sliced into 1 / 4 inch slices (about the same amount as the onion)
1 tablespoon fresh parsley
1 tablespoon chopped greens from a green onion (green) part of the green onion.
1 / 4 teaspoon poultry seasoning
1 / 8 teaspoon (a pinch) of crushed redRed pepper flakes (or a small pinch of cayenne pepper)
Salt and pepper to taste

In a 4 qt saucepan, heat a tablespoon of chicken fat (has risen to the surface and solidified from your homemade stock) on medium heat. If you do not have enough chicken fat, you can a little olive oil. Sauté the vegetables in the fat until the carrots are almost done. While you are sautéing the vegetables, add the seasoning - poultry spices, the crushed red pepper flakes, a pinch of saltand a pinch of pepper. Seasoning such as this is when cooking vegetables is their taste. According to my mother, crushed red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper is very helpful for a cold, so it is part of this recipe. Add the 4 cups of stock. Bring to a low simmer. Add the fresh parsley and green onion greens. Check taste and adjust seasoning.

Serve with (at least) days old, crusty French bread.

Serves 3rd

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It is the time of year when hosts and hostesses turn, celebrate their thoughts on topics for parties everything from their favorite college or professional football game and Super Bowl parties, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve parties and celebrations all other World Holidays during this holiday season.

We are what you are "party people," so we have some ideas, party diversity of ideas and will add spice up your party: host a saucy chili might callCook-off.

Compile your guest list, so you can create teams of 3-6 cooks can. On your invitation let your guests know they are at a Chili Cook-Off And who will be on their team (some extra fun and mix couples). Ask them to special ingredients such as making no use of them in their chili, but let them know that they are everything they could possibly be used, and everyone is starting with a basic batch of chili you can find in advance . Then they can spiceup. Be sure to arrange for enough pots and utensils for each team to have their own. Tell them to BYOA (bring your own apron).

Here's how it works: The day before your party preparing a large batch of chili starter sauce using your choice of basic ingredients. Here is a recipe. We suggest you multiply the ingredients by the number of teams you have with a hefty batch of starter sauce organized accommodate.

Basic chili sauce recipe for 6

* 1 pound lean beef or steakchopped into bite-sized pieces

* 1 / 2 cup chopped onion

* 2 chopped garlic cloves

* 1 can (14.5 ounces) diced tomatoes or tomato puree

* 1 / 2 teaspoon chili powder

* 1 teaspoon salt (regular or garlic)

Preparation: Spray the pan with Teflon cooking spray or a thin an oil such as olive oil. Brown the minced or chopped steak with onions. Add the remaining ingredients, stirring as you go. Please note, you are not adding beans at thisPoint; ratings cooks get to do that. Cover and cook for at least 20 minutes. Refrigerator until party time.

On the day of the party, a shovel, an equal amount of the basic chili sauce for each team, then invite them to the cook-off by one of the following ingredients you for free, in what quantity they prefer to complete:

* Cooked, browned ground pork

* Pre-cooked sausage

* Canned beans including kidney, chili, black, cannelloni, and pinto

*Cans of vegetarian baked beans with chilli

* Cans of tomato sauce or whole tomatoes, with and without chilies

* Cans whole kernel corn

* Fresh tomatoes

* Fresh red, green and yellow peppers

* Fresh jalapeno pepper

* Squash and Fresh Zucchini

* Garlic powder

* Capsicum

* Fresh, natural, black pepper, white pepper, dried chili spice, and India long pepper spice

* A selection of gourmet Tortuga sauces, such as Sweet HeatCarib, Mango & Ginger Stir Fry, Hot Pepper Caribbean, and the fire of Hell Hot Pepper Sauce

* Glasses Tortuga Gourmet Wildflower and Citrus Honey

Give each team a couple of hours to finish the cook-off, then taste of competitive behavior and let your guests vote on the best. If you have a wow! Winner, with the view of the team trying again for a good cause, provided you have kept the traces of their ingredients and can repeat the taste (check out these opportunities in

Consider serving other products like Thai coffee and tea. Your guest chefs drinks with Tortuga Rum Punch Mix Pamper made. And do not forget the dessert, you will be so busy, can the basic chili and organizing teams and seasonings, a variety of specialized Tortuga Gourmet Fudge, rum balls, rum, or want to serve cake.

Go ahead, just do it.

Tell everyone to "pen" in the date, initial arrangement of the details and place your orderonline.

Let us help you, we invite you to the most impudent party your family and friends ever had.

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As in other Southeast Asian countries, food stalls are everywhere in the streets, markets and festivals of Thailand, which is an endless smorgasbord of aromas, colors, sounds and flavors - food in Thailand a feast for the senses.

Picture a barbecue hotdog stand in front of a U.S. sports stadium. Now, instead of hot dogs and buns sizzling on the grill, the food basket of fresh bananas, which are laden fried in batter and coated in a huge wok until golden, thenscooped into a paper bag, like a super-size order of extra thick homecut french fries. This is my first breakfast in Thailand while I watched hundreds of elephants beautifully costumed play soccer and tug-of-war in an annual Elephant Roundup in Surin in the extreme northeast of the country!

The next "hot dog stand" does have a grill, placed over a large bin of charcoal, with flattened chicken quarters sizzling on sticks that you eat like an ice lolly, among others, the remaining steelCart loaded with fresh, ripe pineapple, mango and papaya, and sporting a large mortar and for transforming the greener papayas into a crunchy, sweet-sour-spicy salad with morsels of shrimp or squid, ram, chilli, garlic and sugar.

What makes Thai food so delicious and distinctive among other Southeast Asian food is this unique blend of fresh herbs, spices and other ingredients that combine for a perfect balance between sweet, sour, salty, and heat makes your mouth feel cleanYou and your taste buds popping in the afterglow.

Fresh fruits, salads and even soups and noodles are scooped into plastic bags with a skewer, fork, spoon or straw for eating on the go or on a folding chair in a nearby metal table perched on the market.

Thai moving buses and trains to picnic, with all the chatting, eating and sharing the fare through the window of the vehicle stopped on the street and offered for sale terminals: Gai Yang, the flattened Barbecue Chicken on a stick,skewered meat and fish balls and sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves.

Carnival and the markets over huge woks at knee height, bubbling with fried creatures of all kinds, many unidentifiable. Are they grasshoppers? Crickets? Spiders? Baby birds? small frogs? - My mouth and eyes were constantly wide open in wonder and amazement!

I spent an inordinate amount of time in the fresh produce and night food markets - exuberantly fascinated and often visibly discombobulated to thegreat pleasure of suppliers and buyers.

After a journey to find every aisle of food carts and woks on my mission, the fresh, interesting and delicious-looking dishes, I was often met with severe shaking, or "No, you do not want - the Thai food!" By English-speaking cooks or bystanders when I pointed and waved and tried for a meal I knew I really wanted to ask. On my first such adventure, I do not know that the custom of the cooking show was on the frying panspecify the amount of garlic and chili for you, how much do you want: Do they simply asked if I wanted to Thai ingredients, I nodded vigorously at the heaped-up display, and it all went! Yes, it was Thai food, and I enjoyed every sizzling touch to my lips under the watchful, laughing eyes of suppliers and spectators that had gathered.

I spent much time learning to admire and enjoy the food as I did with the main tourist attractions,walk for hours through the streets and markets taking in the sights and smells and sounds: quiet clucking rising from a pile of brightly colored roosters and chickens tied together by the feet - a Thai rooster plumage is extraordinarily beautiful, plastic tubs and buckets just full enough of murky gray water to the fish, frogs and turtles until a sale has taken hold, hills and mountains of green and red and purple and orange, the pleasant smell of the durian andJackfruit - pleasant because I was so excited and in awe of it all!

I tried deep-fried grasshoppers at a carnival in Kanchanaburi during a sound and light show of "The Bridge On The River Kwai" that ended with a fabulous fireworks display recreating the allied bombing campaign that the bridges of the Death Railway destroyed in 1945. I tried to be a few small roasted wood worms offered by a very thin host in a northern hill tribe village near the Myanmar border, and fears that IEating his family out of the house and home. I discovered countless traditional dishes I had never tried and enjoyed authentic versions of some I had in Toronto, newly arrived Thai restaurants. As often as I could, I saw their creation, so I try to replicate it when I go home came and got a kitchen could be.

Many people are, how brave I was alerted to my stomach. During two years traveling around the world, including six months in Southeast Asia, I had only onetiny bout of queasiness over a couple of days on Sumatra in Indonesia. In fact, I had never eaten so well or felt so healthy in my life. I must have found the perfect balance of common sense and adventure, or, some might argue, I was just lucky.

I don't recommend trying everything, and I do recommend a few common sense tips for sampling the full range of the food on offer throughout your travels:

at street and market stalls, do watch the cooking for awhile to ensure that have the ingredients are fresh and the food is cooked well is if you have any doubts, go to another seller
Select vendors that have a good steady stream of customers - not just the food is probably very good, but the sales of fresh food
ask your host board and other residents you meet for their favorite places to eat, and for recommendations on dishes to order
follow the other safe eating tips you find in travel guides, such as recommendations on water, ice cubes,and peeling fruit and vegetables

Of course, you will find an endless selection of sit-down restaurants, where some of the most famous Thai dishes in restaurants around the world found: green curry with chicken, red curry with beef, pad Thai and other noodle dishes, to enjoy and wonderful fragrant basil dishes.

Whether you keep the sample the fabulous food from street vendors and markets, or what you plan to learn a few tipsDeciphering a menu or a request for some kind of dish with a few Thai Food Terms.

Many supermarkets now carry a range of prepared sauces, curries and other Asian products, but if you enjoy adventure and creativity in your own kitchen, many Thai recipes are fairly easy to create, if you've mastered a few basics. Gai Yang, after is all really just a grilled chicken with a Thai twist! A good reference book or eating cookbook with a glossary of Asian ingredientswill help you win, the perfect balance between sour, sweet, salt and heat, the Thai cuisine is unique.

© 2005

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I'm sure most people have tried basil in some form of cooking. It is of common Italian food and is a main ingredient in pesto. Basil is also used in South-East Asian cuisine. It is often an ingredient in Thai curries. In most cases, adds to the flavor of foods, and tomato-basil soup, for example, a lovely fragrance. It can also eat sweet taste and provides balance in foods such as curries, that is a lot of flavors at the same time have.Basil can also be used to make essential oils. Basil essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the flowering plant. The oil is used for hundreds of years to cure various diseases and complaints. It is in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine. This article describes some of the use of basil essential oil will be discussed and how it works.

Basil essential oil is made linalol, methyl, eugenol, limonene and citronellol. It is a versatile oil that canfor a number of problems.

It can be used to protect and treat the skin. It is useful as an insect repellent when rubbed on the skin. It can relieve insect bites or infections by massaging the oil on the affected area.

The actions of eugenol to create anti-inflammatory effect on the body. He does this by blocking an enzyme cyclooxygenase inflammation and pain when the causes are known. For impair the graters of basil essential oil in areas by the rheumatoid arthritis, you can help.This also applies to arthritis and general aches and pains in the muscles.

Basil essential oil can also be used against bacteria and infectious diseases. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat coughs and flu. It will inhibit the growth of various bacteria such as Staphylococcus Enterococcus, Pseudomonas and E. coli bacteria.

The oil can also be used for nervous conditions. It is useful for depression, anxiety, insomnia, migraine and anxiety and stress. It can be usedas massage oil, bath, or even added as a compress or a steam inhalation of the oil.

You should also basil in your diet. You can make it with cooked foods or, better still, they are fresh in salads or on a sandwich. There are various minerals and vitamins in basil. Vitamin A and C will help the market. There are small amounts of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium in basil, which are necessary for the body are healthy.

Basil essential oil is generally consideredas a non-toxic substance that does not cause skin irritation. That means you can jump to the area of the body that has the problem. But to be safe, you should do a patch test if you have never used the oil. This means seeing the investigation of an area of skin with the oil to determine whether there are any side effects. If it after a few hours, then you should be fine to use it well.

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Kra Prao or holy basil is used in Kaeng Pha, Kaeng Kae and some spicy fried meat in order to reduce the smell of the fish meat. Fresh leaves are sprinkled on food before removing from heat.


- Reduce the sugar in the blood

- Release tension

- Stomach

Kra Prao use in Thai Food:

- Khao Phad Kra Prao


Lemon juice is used to a sour taste in Tom Yam, Som Tum, Phla, spicy salads and many make chili paste Lemon juice, and also for drinks.


- Expectorant

- Carminative

- Antiscorbutic

Lemon use in Thai Food:

- Tom Yum Kung

- Tom Kha Kai

- Som Tum


Lemon grass is spicy and bitter and are used for seasoning the Thai food and as a main ingredient in every recipe of Kaeng Phed, salads and spicy Tom Yam.


- Anti-bacterial, fungal, yeast --

- Diuretic

Lemongrass use in> Thai Food:

- Tom Yum Kung

- Tom Kha Kai

- Khiao Kaeng Wan Kai

- Beef Masaman

- Kai Phad Phed

- Kai Phanaeng

- Nam Ya Pla


Pepper is commonly found in every kind of chili paste in the soup with coriander, garlic and root as well sprinkle in a good fragrance. It is normally used in the kitchen of Kaeng Phed, Kaeng Pa and Phad Phed.


- Expectorant

- Diuretic

- Stomach/ Colic

- Gastrointestinal --

Pepper's Thai Food:

- Khiao Kaeng Wan Kai

- Beef Masaman

- Kaeng Liang

- Kai Phad Phed

- Kai Phanaeng

- Khao Phad Kra Prao


Fresh leaves and young flowers are blanched or boiled, with the chili paste supplement. Its flowers are used as ingredients in Kaeng Som and Kaeng Lieng. In addition, the ripe pumpkins are used in many dishes, both soups and stir-fries. It's also good to make manyRecipes desserts, pumpkin in syrup and cooked pumpkin in coconut syrup.


- Beta-Carotene

Pumpkin-use in Thai Food:

- Kaeng Liang


Shallots are used to cut meat and savory spices, and also as the main ingredient in chilli paste for Kaeng Phed, Tom Kloong, Kaeng Lieng, Tom Yam, lhun, Yam, Larb and Nam Prik and in some desserts.


- Stomach

- Catarrh relief

Shallot used in ThaiFood:

- Tom Yum Kung

- Khiao Kaeng Wan Kai

- Beef Masaman

- Kaeng Liang

- Kai Phad Phed

- Kai Phanaeng

- Phad Thai

- Khao Phad Kra Prao

- Nam Ya Pla

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Tasty food is always make your mouth water, and why not? Different types of food are always welcome, but how different recipes. Here is the solution brings by Homeshop18 - an online shopping portal that gives you the best food recipe books online. Sanjeev Kaoor the well-known chef in India has created books for all types of kitchens to life. Homeshop18 is the platform where you can get Sanjeev Kapoor recipes. Go on the Book section and select your choice. I've listed belowCookbook a few features.

Low Calorie Vegetarian Cooking - This set contains the following books:
1. Sanjeev Kapoor's Low Calorie Vegetarian Cookbook
2. Sanjeev Kapoor's Soups, Salads and Sandwiches Cookbook
3. Sanjeev Kapoor's No Oil Vegetarian Cookbook
4. Sanjeev Kapoor's Vegetarian Breakfast Cookbook

Contents of each book:
• Low Calorie Vegetarian Cookbook: A series of nutritious soups, salads, vegetables, side dishes and smackingDesserts
• Soups, salads and sandwiches: This exotic collection makes a healthy substitute for the daily routine dal-rice
• No oil vegetarian cook book: A delicious selection of dishes, all without a drop of oil visibly cooked - a must in the fast moving world of today
• Vegetarian Breakfast: A delightful collection of recipes vegetarian breakfast to give you the perfect start to an eventful day

Chinese Kitchen Set - This set contains the following books:
1. SanjeevKapoor's Best Of Chinese Cooking Cookbook
2. Sanjeev Kapoor's Cookbook Salads
3. Sanjeev Kapoor's Thai Cooking Cookbook
4. Sanjeev Kapoor's Non Vegetarian Recipes from around the world cookbook
Contents of each book:
• Best Of Chinese Cooking: A Treasury of Chinese cooked delicious recipes and enjoy with family and friends
• Salads: An irresistible collection of crisp salads and delicious from around the world
Thai Cooking enjoy: More of the most famous cuisine and simply make the tasty dishes and
• Non-vegetarian recipes from around the world: These delicious non-vegetarian recipes gathered from around the world.

Many other books include Sanjeev Kapoor recipes of Indian cuisine, pastries and cakes, entertainment, cooking and much more.

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Spices come from the buds, bark, stems, roots, berries and seeds of plants. Any part with the exception of the leaf is classified as a spice, the leaves with fresh herbs.

Spices are usually grouped into five categories of taste - sweet, pungent, sharp, hot and amalgamating. Today we will dive deeper into the hot spices and secrets to discover.

Hot spices are the type that a burst of flavor. You are required relatively strong and, as such, only a small amount.Must not be misled to think but to that that a small quantity of an ingredient, it is not important meaning. The intensity level is the secret of many a great meal, and often the difference between OK and the discerning diner.


Be an ancient spice, known as early as 3000 BC used. Caraway have been evaluated for their medicinal uses, as well as culinary.

The seeds have a warm, earthy flavor with a hint of anise, orange peel and fennel. Caraway help in balancing the rich,fat foods, and is therefore often in cheese dishes. It is also a common ingredient in garam masala, used in Indian cooking.


This is a very versatile spice and can be used either in sweet or savory dishes. Green peppers are picked by a local South Indian tropical plant. The fruits contain 10 small and 20 brown seeds. These seeds have a warm, flowery taste.

Cardamom is used in Indian curry, Middle Eastern dishes, rice and desserts. Use cardamom oroften crushed cardamom pod is in demand. The sleeve is slightly squashed, which assisted in the release of flavor.

Celery seed

The seed comes from old European celery and cabbage. It has a strong taste, and compliments with tomato and vegetable juices. Celery seed, it is often the way to a "Bloody Mary".

Celery seed is often to do with other spices such as pepper, ginger, cinnamon and pepper spice mixes for fish and seafood, poultry and redMeat.


We probably have all the cloves at one time or another. But did you know they are a natural antiseptic and anesthetic.

Cloves are the dried flower buds of a tropical tree in Maluku (formerly the Indonesian Spice Islands). You are in the color purple, but have little flavor, if first pick. After drying, they are dark brown and eugenol, a pungent oil developed.

Cloves, although native in Indonesia played an important role in the spice trade and are foundin almost every cuisine in the world.


Cumin comes from the Nile Valley and in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs were found. It has also been in England since the 13th Century used. The Spanish took cumin to the North and South America, and it is an integral part of Mexican chili powder.

It has a pungent, earthy, like curry-flavored and full bodied flavor curries produce. For best results use gently roasted whole seeds or good quality dark, oily cumin powder.You try next time in your pumpkin soup.


This is one of those things I can not figure out how to spell. Fenugreek came from a clover looking plant and has been used medically since ancient times.

It has a pronounced bitterness, which adds several bites too hot curries such as vindaloo. Hard to believe, but the seeds produce an extract that is used to make imitation maple syrup.


From South-East Asia, is similar to ginger, galangalbut has a sharper flavor. It comes from the rhizome of the plant and is used in Thai cuisine.

The sharp taste helps to neutralize too lazy tastes.


Ginger comes from the rhizome (root) of the tropical ginger plant. The strength of the flavor of the piece of ginger, how old the rhizome was intended when picked up. Young, tender, almost sweet, like the older rhizomes rhizomes against the more fibrous and have a strong aroma.

FindGinger used in many Indian and Asian cuisine. It can be used in desserts and savory dishes. Ginger is also good for stomach complaints.


The juniper berry is a small blue-black berries with a unique flavor and astringency jaw. It is primarily known as a flavor enhancer gin.

Use of dried juniper berries, the strong flavor of the game and reduce the fatty degeneration of the duck. It is very strong and only a few berries is required - 5 berries per 1 pound of meat. For a spectacularCasserole (red wine, sage, thyme, bay leaves), add a few juniper berries.

Lemon Myrtle

A native of Australia, it is used the leaves (a contradiction to the rule, the leaves are) Herb. They give a unique flavor and a fresh lemony taste that is more like lemon peel.

Fantastic, especially in Asian dishes with chicken, seafood and vegetables.

Nigella seeds

I first discovered that about two years ago. They are strong tasting, spicy,small black seeds.

Nigella seeds work well with Indian cuisine, potatoes and other carbohydrates.


The costs and expensive spice in the world. Saffron is the dried scars of a lilac, autumn crocus flower. Each flower produces only 3 scars. It takes about 75,000 flowers to produce 1 pound of saffron. But because there are powerful coloring and intense flavor, only a small amount is needed.

Saffron produces a brightorange-yellow color and an intense pungent flavor. It is best to buy good quality and threads, not powder, in order to ensure authenticity. Soak the threads in warm water for at least 15 minutes before use.

Star anise

Star anise is harvested a dried, star-shaped fruit of a Chinese magnolia tree. It has a warm, licorice taste with currents of less than cinnamon.

It is used in spice mixtures and found in Chinese cuisine.


Another homeAustralia. It is seed collected from certain species of acacia. Ground acacia seeds have a woody, nutty flavor with coffee overtones.

It can spice to ice cakes and pastries or as a rub to be used on white meat.

Well, there you have it, need a short introduction to the world of hot spices, not to discourage their strongness.

Until our next meeting Spicy
Enjoy cooking!

Lisa "The Crock Cook"